Valuation tool features

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What we do at Valorexo

Valuing Machinery through Data

We use data and industry knowledge to assess
the fair market price of industrial equipment

Research Tool Equipment Search

Valorexo’s research tool enables users to enter the Manufacturer and Model names to instantly run an equipment search to see matching marketplace and auction data. This includes marketplace listed prices, market place sold prices and auction hammer prices.

Value equipment

Valuation Report

From the above research tool you can click on any of the returned listing to create a detailed valuation report for that machine. You can adjust the criteria to include year of manufacture and machine characteristics to improve the accuracy of the valuation report further.

Value equipment

The valuation report

What the data rich report includes

Marketplace price

The price the item of equipment could expect to list at an online marketplace

Auction price

The price an item would expect to sell at auction

Price accuracy indicator

How confident we are of the valuation based upon the number of data points used

Future price projections

A projection of future prices, 1 year to 10 years from now

Manufacturer price index

How does the price of this machines manufacturer compare to competing manufacturers within a given category of equipment

Alternative models to compare and consider

A list of the closest comparator machines that should be considered when purchasing

Who is it for?

Our valuation tool is designed for industrial auctioneers, industrial equipment resellers and any company or individual looking to value industrial machines for any purpose.


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